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Pet Refuge founder Julie Chapman says many people stay in violent or unsafe relationships to protect their pets. Photo/Facebook

Pet Refuge founder Julie Chapman says many people stay in violent or unsafe relationships to protect their pets. Photo/Facebook



Pet Refuge founder calls for more funding to help pets in violent households

Founder Julie Chapman told Pacific Mornings many people stay in violent or unsafe relationships to protect their pets, but don't have enough space.

Khalia Strong
Khalia Strong
11 September 2023, 3:38pm
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​There are calls for more funding and spaces for pets stuck in violent households.

Pet Refuge is a nationwide service that temporary accommodation for pets, so their families can escape violence.

Founder Julie Chapman told Pacific Mornings many people stay in violent or unsafe relationships to protect their pets.

She says in one relationship, the woman wanted to leave but "he was violent, threw her around the room, threatened to cut the throats of the pets".

Chapman listed other similar cases: "We've had a dog who came into us which had cigarette burns all over its body, its tail had been burnt.

"More often we're seeing women sleeping in their cars with their pets until a space becomes available."

Watch the full interview with Julie Chapman on Pacific Mornings here.