Former Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio speaks at the national hui at the weekend. Photo/Facebook
Pacific advocates who attended a historic meeting this weekend say unity and knowing your cultural history is vital to moving forward.
Pacific peoples joined with tangata whenua at the weekend, calling on the government to uphold indigenous principles and language.
Twelve thousand people attended the unity hui at Tuurangawaewae Marae this weekend, called by the Kiingitanga to discuss what’s being seen as anti-Māori actions by the new government.
Former Minister for Pacific Peoples Aupito William Sio was a panel speaker, and says it was “an absolute privilege to support and participate in this vital work”.
“It is right for Maori to lead this conversation and not politicians, as the political timeline is short-term whilst Maori perspectives are long-term and intergenerational.”
Aupito says these conversations are not just limited to Māori peoples, but need to be held within strong leadership structures.
“This is the right time to have a conversation on nationhood and identity, and using indigenous knowledge and cultural intelligence and frameworks is better than using Pakeha frameworks that have often been the source of pain, harm and colonisation.”
Aupito was also asked to light one of the fires representing the mauri or spirit of the words shared, the wind then carrying the message across the country.
"It was a privilege to be asked to light a fire as a symbol of Pacific people's support and for the spirit of the event to now spread amongst the Pacific communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand."
In his speech, Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau says the political message has been heard around the world.
"We've sent a strong message, and that message has been heard around the world ... our time is now, kotahitanga (unity) is the way."
Auckland union organiser Teisa Unga says Pacific communities need to look back on our shared history to understand shared ties with tangata whenua.
“We’ve grown up, and because we haven’t been taught our history, we actually don’t know the road map of where we are right now and we have this sense of amnesia.
“We need to look back and actually remember who we are, where we come from, and then that’ll start igniting a fire that we need to take it back to the culture and Te Tiriti, remembering that that was there first.”
Aupito William Sio was asked to light one of the fires representing the spirit of the event. Photo/Facebook
Tongan community leader Pakilau Manase Lua says it was disappointing Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was not there to hear the concerns of Māori iwi.
“It’s unfortunate that he’s not here - in saying that, we’ve got Waitangi coming up, and what was said here probably will be repeated at Waitangi.
“The atmosphere here was still a little bit charged, with some quite heavy topics that are being discussed, but it’s been amazing.”
Mana Moana programme director Dr Karlo Mila says she was impressed by the clear intentions laid out by different cross sections of iwi.
“What was quite amazing for me, was to see different hapu and iwi come forth with really, really clear resolutions about what they wanted to put forward so that they could get some kind of unity around it, there was a lot of coherency in their messages.
“It felt like a real moment in history for all the provocations that are coming from the new government.”
This week, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will aim to reassure Māori leaders about the coalition government’s actions at the annual Ratana gathering, where both he and deputy prime minister Winston Peters are expected to speak.