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​Carmel Sepuloni at the launch of Labour's Women's Manifesto. Photo/Facebook

​Carmel Sepuloni at the launch of Labour's Women's Manifesto. Photo/Facebook



Big difference between Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon - Carmel Sepuloni

Sepuloni says Hipkins made clear his values during the debate including sticking up for the underdog.

Pacific Mornings
21 September 2023, 1:06pm
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​Labour's deputy leader Carmel Sepuloni has rejected criticism​ that there's little to differentiate between party leaders Chris Hipkins and Christopher Luxon.

During a TV election debate earlier this week, both men agreed on a number of issues, and even bought their own first homes at the age of 24.

But Sepuloni told Pacific Mornings there is a big difference between Hipkins and Luxon.

"I'm sure there may have been a few things that they agreed on, but fundamentally it was Chris Hipkins who was sticking up for the underdog, for the low to middle working class people and also expressing promises that are important for the future of this country."

Watch the full interview with Carmel Sepuloni on Pacific Mornings.

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