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King Tupou VI receives Tonga's new Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni, after presenting the Royal Warrant of Appointment for the PM at the Royal Palace in Nuku'alofa on Tuesday 28 December 2021. Sovaleni was elected as PM by the new parliament, following Tonga's November 18 general election.

Photo/ Pesi Fonua / Matangi Tonga Online

Pacific Region

Tonga's King Tupou VI loses confidence in PM Hu'akavameiliku

RNZ Pacific has obtained a copy of a Memorandum from the Lord Privy Council, which states that King Tupou VI was ‘please to withdraw His confidence and consent to the appointment of PM Hu'akavameiliku’.

RNZ Pacific
06 February 2024, 12:54pm
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Tonga's King Tupou VI has stripped Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku's portfolio as the Minister of His Majesty's Armed Forces and Cabinet Minister Fekita 'Utoikamanu from her Foreign Affairs portfolio.

RNZ Pacific has obtained a copy of a Memorandum from the Lord Privy Council, which advises the King, addressed to Tonga's Chief Secretary and Secretary to Cabinet Paula Ma'u advising of the King's decision.

In the memorandum, dated 2 February, Lord Privy Seal Viliame Malolo states that King Tupou VI was "please to withdraw His confidence and consent to the appointment of PM Hu'akavameiliku and 'Utoikamanu following advise from the Privy Council.

The King's action does not augur well for Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku, who is believed to be in New Zealand for a medical check-up, and could signal a constitutional crisis.

'Utoikamanu was PM Hu'akavameiliku's appointment from outside of Parliament - meaning she was unelected.

The Prime Minister is allowed to appoint ministers from unelected representsatives under the Tongan constitution.

A source told RNZ Pacific that the King may have acted on wrong advice before making the decision as constitution states that the King can only act on the Prime Ministers advise.

Acting PM Samiu Vaipulu said they have been advised of the King's decision.

Meanwhile, Ma'u said late on Monday night that officials are working on the issue and will release official statement today.

This article was first published on RNZ Pacific.