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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

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Winston Peters stirs debate over what is driving climate change

Pacific Mornings' host William Terite says the Deputy Prime Minister has landed himself in hot water over controversial comments made at the Pacific Islands Forum.

William Terite
William Terite
29 August 2024, 6:38am
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Winston Peters recently stirred controversy with his views on climate change. While standing in for Prime Minister Christopher Luxon at the Pacific Island Forum, Peters suggested that climate change might be partly due to natural events like volcanic eruptions, not just human activities.

Labour leader Chris Hipkins challenged Peters, pointing out that UN Secretary-General António Guterres says climate change is mainly caused by humans. Peters argued that both human actions and natural events contribute to climate change, and he has previously questioned the scientific estimate that humans cause about 33 percent of climate change.

Pacific Island nations are already facing severe climate impacts. Misleading information could harm international support and efforts to tackle these problems.

Most scientists agree that human activities are the main cause of recent climate changes. Leaders should rely on this consensus to provide clear and accurate information.

In short, Peters’ comments doesn’t give me much confidence in this Government’s ability to tackle climate change, especially when it’s also looking to reverse its ban on oil and gas exploration.

That’s Will’s Word.