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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

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Will's Word: Violence is never the answer

Pacific Mornings host William Terite says the Trump assassination attempt is reminder why we must reject radicalism and uphold our democratic institutions.

William Terite
William Terite
15 July 2024, 9:41am
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This is a transcript from Will’s Word on Monday, 15th of July.

The attempted assassination of any political leader is deeply wrong and harmful to our society. It doesn't matter what your political beliefs are—violence is never the answer.

Recently, shots were fired at a rally where former President Donald Trump was speaking in Pennsylvania. This tragic event resulted in the death of a bystander and serious injuries to others. Such acts threaten our democracy and the safety of everyone involved.

Regardless of our opinions on Trump's policies or actions, his safety, and that of all attendees at the rally, should have been guaranteed without question.

Law enforcement, including the FBI and Secret Service, are investigating the incident to find out why it happened and to hold those responsible accountable. We need to ensure that security measures at public events are strong enough to prevent such violence in the future.

This incident reminds us all to reject violence and uphold respectful dialogue and lawful ways of expressing disagreements. As we wait for more information, let's unite in condemning violence and standing up for the principles of democracy and peace.

Let's keep our focus on protecting each other and our democratic values, no matter our differences in opinion.