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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

Photo/ PMN News


Is civil servant WFH policy good move or unfair given recent cuts?

Pacific Mornings' host William Terite says the there's a touch of irony to the recent announcement requiring public servants to work from the office.

This is a transcript of Will's Word on 24th September:

The Government’s issued a directive to tighten working from home arrangements for public sector workers — and you know what? I think it’s a good move.

While remote working has its benefits, ultimately you can’t deny that being in the office is better for staff morale.

It’s not often I outright agree with moves made by this coalition, but on this occasion I reckon this is a blimmin' positive directive.

Public service Minister Nicola Willis says working from home should not be seen as an entitlement but rather as a flexible option that must be mutually agreed upon.

And I cannot agree more. If you are able to do so, you should be working in your workplace. Of course there will be circumstances where that’s not possible and so I’m not diminishing that.

But ultimately working from home was a lever that was pulled during the Covid pandemic — which news flash we are no longer in!

Here’s the irony though, it’s all well and good for the Government to issue this directive to public sector workers — but it comes at a time when there are major slashes to the public service workforce.

Am I the only one thinking there’s a wee bit of an irony to this?