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Is a centralised model ruining our public health system?

Pacific Mornings' host William Terite says the latest financial news from Health NZ calls into question the wisdom of merging NZ's DHBs.

This is the transcript of Will's Word on 4 October, 2024:

Health New Zealand’s latest quarterly report makes for some grim reading — with a deficit of $934 million dollars — How the heck does that happen?

Well apparently the financial strain is linked to several one-time issues, such as write-offs of too much Covid-19 stock, unexpected staffing costs — whatever that means.

The chief exec Magie Apa said a reset was needed of the organisation – that’s a blimmin' understatement isn’t it?

I always thought merging the DHBs into one centralised health system was doomed from the start — much like the tragic merger of our polytechs which is now being dismantled. Am I the only one who was irritated by the unnecessary mergers the last government imposed?

Despite these financial troubles, there are some positive developments. Wait times for specialist assessments have decreased, meaning more patients are getting the care they need sooner.

Additionally, the percentage of cancer patients receiving timely treatment is improving. However, there are still challenges: immunisation rates for children have dropped slightly, and the number of patients waiting over a year for procedures has increased.

So if I were to give it a health check? It’s not in critical condition but it’s not that stable.

That’s Will’s Word.