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Govt move to bring in education tests gets an A+

The government has announced mandatory reading, writing and maths tests for primary schools. Pacific Mornings host William Terite praises the move.

This is a transcript from Will’s Word on Thursday, 4th of July.

The government's recent decision to introduce mandatory reading, writing, and maths tests in primary schools is a step forward for our education system.

Starting next year, these tests will help make sure that young students are learning the basics they need to succeed.

Testing five-year-olds on their ability to connect sounds with letters is especially important.

It helps teachers spot any early difficulties and provide extra help where it's needed.

This early support can make a big difference in a child's learning journey.

For older students from Years 3 to 8, testing twice a year in reading, writing, and maths using tools like e-asTTle or Progressive Assessment Tests (PATs) will give teachers a clear picture of how students are doing.

This information lets teachers personalise their lessons and focus on areas where students need more help.

It's all about making sure every student gets the support they need to do well.

Importantly, these tests won't be used to rank schools.

This means teachers can focus on teaching without worrying about their school's ranking.

Instead, the focus remains on helping students grow academically and personally.

While some people may worry about testing at a young age, these assessments are meant to help, not stress students.

They give teachers insights to support each child's unique learning journey and ensure that every student has a fair chance to succeed.

In summary, mandatory testing in primary schools is a positive move toward improving education.

It supports teachers in guiding students toward success and ensures that all children have the tools they need to thrive in school and beyond.

It's a step forward that benefits our children and our future.

…. That’s Will’s Word…