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William Terite says you forfeit your right when you engage in activity that is wrong, disrespectful, and disruptive to social cohesion.


Crackdown on gang insignia: right move, right direction

William Terite says the ban on gang symbols in public is about restoring safety and maintaining the integrity of our communities.

OPINION: Gang legislation that has come into place this week. And frankly, I'm a fan of it.

I think it's the right move and a move in the right direction.

Frankly, gang members, you get no sympathy from me with what comes with this bill.

I think ultimately, as has been pointed out by this coalition government time and time again, credit where credit is due, this is about restoring public safety, maintaining the integrity of our communities, all that jazz.

You've already heard that kind of rhetoric from the coalition government. And I'm going to be honest here, that resonates with me.

I think there is no place in society for this type of behaviour. And so stamping down on it is absolutely the right thing to do. And I think it's absolutely worth it.

I know that there are some critics that argue, and this is more so on the opposition side of things, that the legislation is unnecessary or that it infringes on personal rights.

I understand that and I hear that and I don't want to diminish the importance of obviously everyone's individual rights. Absolutely, that's important.

But I think you forfeit your right when you engage in activity that is wrong, disrespectful, and is actually disruptive to social cohesion. That's my personal view on it. And so this new legislation aims to tackle that behaviour.

There'll be those that are like, oh it's just a gang patch, well you know, it's what's affiliated with the gang patch, at least to me.

It could glorify violence, dare I say, or I suppose it's just the public displays of affirmation really, with criminal organisations, which only serve to kind of glorify violence and intimidation, at least from my perspective.

So when someone is allowed to proudly display gang insignia, I think it sends the wrong message. And so, good move by this government in terms of wanting to crack down on that.

And also, I also want to mention, and this is where it gets a bit convoluted, so stick with me here, the dispersal and non-consorting orders that are also part of this bill.

So that basically means it's practical measures that will pretty much help police break up gatherings of gang members and prevent further criminal activities. Again, that sounds like music to my ears.

Do you remember the situation in Opotiki last year? Do you remember that?

This is absolutely necessary and you know those that are against it, I mean, what are you for then? What are you for? Are you advocating for more bad things like violence or intimidation?

I don't understand those who are opposing this, it all sounds like good stuff to me. At least that's my view anyway. And we'll have the Police Minister Mark Mitchell on this morning to discuss this and more, and we'll put perspectives to him on both sides of the fence in terms of the arguments. So stick around for that.

That's Will's Word.

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