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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

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Climate change policies need 'action not more spin'

Pacific Mornings host William Terite questions the lack of detail in the government's recent policy announcement by Climate Change Minister Simon.

William Terite
William Terite
11 July 2024, 6:36am
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The government's recent announcement about its five climate pillars sounded promising, but it lacks substance. Climate Change Minister Simon Watts called it "comprehensive" and "ambitious," yet it's only three pages long and filled with vague aspirations.

Each pillar outlines goals and bullet points like "minimising emissions costs," but there's no clear plan on how to achieve these goals. This has sparked criticism from climate groups and scientists who expected concrete steps, not just promises.

The government plans to release more details in the future, but this delay raises doubts about their commitment to urgent action. Meanwhile, climate change continues to worsen globally, and we need real solutions now.

To tackle climate change effectively, we need specific policies, clear timelines, and ways to hold the government accountable. Without these, the announcement feels empty and fails to address the seriousness of the climate crisis.

So while acknowledging the climate issue is a start, the government must do much more. The upcoming Emissions Reduction Plan needs to provide real plans and actions, not just more promises. Our future depends on it.

…. That’s Will’s Word…