Tagaloa Filoi Genevieve Taula-Togiaso is the inaugural winner of Le Moana Mua Award for outstanding Pacific educators.
Tagaloa Filoi Genevieve Taula-Togiaso is the inaugural winner of Le Moana Mua Award for outstanding Pacific educators
A Christchurch health educator's efforts to create innovative pathways for Pacific learners have earned her the inaugural Le Moana Mua Award.
Tagaloa Filoi Genevieve Taula-Togiaso was among the Pacific educators acknowledged in this year's Aotearoa Tertiary Educator Awards.
Speaking to Ma’a Brian Sagala on 531pi's Pacific Days, Tagaloa says her style of teaching and leadership is different, but has been successful.
“We have always had to practice within the Eurocentric pedagogy, so the palagi way of doing things.
“I’m going to do things very differently, and we will still get the same outcome, but the way we travel and the road we go down may be a little bit different - and it will be uncomfortable, because it’s not their way of seeing the world.”
Tagaloa is a nurse lecturer and Pacific academic leader at Ara Institute of Canterbury.
Her award citation describes her as having a sound understanding of Pacific cultures, while making Pacific learners feel confident to be their authentic cultural selves in a learning institution.
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