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Clockwise from top left: Shadon Meredith, Frankie Adams, Robbie Magasiva, Anapela Polataivao, Samara Alofa, Ladi 6, Bella Kalolo-Suraj

Clockwise from top left: Shadon Meredith, Frankie Adams, Robbie Magasiva, Anapela Polataivao, Samara Alofa, Ladi 6, Bella Kalolo-Suraj

Photo/ Supplied


Pacific artists call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

More than 350 artists across Aotearoa have signed a petition for peace including renowned Pacific creatives.

Courtney Sina Meredith
Courtney Sina Meredith
06 November 2023, 8:10am
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Aotearoa Artists 4 Ceasefire

High profile Pacific artists are demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza along with over 350 other artists in New Zealand.

The public list of signatories includes big names in the Pacific arts world such as Ladi6, Robbie Magasiva, Shadon Meredith, Frankie Adams, Samara Alofa, Bella Kalolo-Suraj, and Anapela Polataivao.

A collective calling itself Aotearoa Artists 4 Ceasefire drafted the letter, which has been shared with leaders of each political party that spells out the reasons why New Zeeland must make its voice heard.

The unified message is directed at both the outgoing and incoming government - calling for them to demand an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

The letter, titled, Aotearoa Artists Call, states:

"We come together as artists in the creative sector in Aotearoa, New Zealand to appeal to the acting and incoming New Zealand governments to make an unequivocal call for:

An immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

An end to violence against all civilians, regardless of their identity.

Immediate unimpeded humanitarian aid access in and out of Gaza and The West Bank, including such necessities of life as food, water, fuel and medical supplies.

The reinstatement of water, internet and electricity access to Gaza by Israel.

An end to the siege and blockade of Gaza and The West Bank.

The repatriation of all hostages and political prisoners.

Respect and protection for all civilians.

Respect and protection for civilian infrastructure - electric, water and sanitation facilities, and residential homes – along with hospitals, churches, mosques, refugee camps and schools.

Respect and protection for aid workers, medical staff, human rights workers, journalists, and photographers alongside civilian lives.

He aha te mea nui o te ao?

He tangata. He tangata. He tangata.

What is the most important thing in the world?

It is people. It is people. It is people.

The New Zealand government is ideally placed to offer diplomatic mediation and support for a political resolution to the crisis in Gaza. We call on our government to immediately and unequivocally show compassion, love and respect for all the civilians impacted by this conflict regardless of nationality, religion, geopolitical status, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

We ask the New Zealand government to use dialogue to seek justice and reconciliation for all parties through peaceful negotiations. We appeal to the New Zealand government to work towards Palestinian self-determination and statehood with the goal of an end to Israel’s blockade and occupation of Palestinian territories and a guarantee of Israel’s security through peaceful diplomatic negotiation, not violence."

The full list of signatories can be found here

Artists for Ceasefire

Meanwhile, another important petition led by Māori and Muslim artists calling for peace is also circulating, drafted by artist and activist Hana Aoake and her friend Khadro.

Artists for Ceasefire are a group of creatives across the motu, petitioning the New Zealand government to call for an immediate ceasefire in occupied Palestine. Here is their open letter, which you can sign.

"Anyone who is a cultural worker can sign this, whether you are a student or a kaumatua or a musician, weaver, designer, architect," says Aoake.

"We have tried to make this kaupapa as broad and inclusive as possible, but also outline that it's led by Māori and Muslim artists. It's designed for our creative community to stand together in solidarity and call not only for an end to this genocide and for a ceasefire, but for an end to the Israeli occupation. The two-state solution is untenable. There needs to be a way forward where Muslim, Jewish and Christian people can live together peacefully without borders and checkpoints and apartheid systems of control and oppression."

The full list of signatories can be found here