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Firefighters survey the charred remains of the Marist Saints clubrooms this morning.

Photo/PMN News/Matt Manukuo


‘Unexplained’ - Rugby League clubrooms burned to the ground

The Marist Saints Club was destroyed by a fire in the early hours of this morning, only fragments remain.

Pacific Mornings
16 November 2023, 8:34am
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There's devastation from the Mount Albert community following a fire at a rugby league club.

The Marist Saints Rugby League clubrooms were burned to the ground in the early hours of this morning.

PMN Journalist Matt Manukuo says only fragments of the building are still standing.

“The clubrooms have completely collapsed, and there’s a lot of charred pieces of the building on the ground.

“Luckily, the Marist Saints logo from the building is still standing, and I think that’s the best thing people can take out of this terrible event.”

The clubrooms have collapsed, but a small section remains bearing the Marist Saints team logo. Photo/PMN News/Matt Manukuo

Fire services were called to the scene at 3.30am, but were not able to save the two-storey building, which burned for an hour.

A police spokesperson says they are investigating the cause of the fire.

"At this early stage, police are treating the fire as unexplained, and a scene examination is due to be carried out later today.

"Anyone with footage or information that may assist is asked to contact Police via our 105 phone service."

A community landmark

One passerby, Sam, says he had to come and have a look at the building that has been central to the Murray Halberg Rugby Field for more than a hundred years.

“Very sad day for them … it’s a pretty devastating blow for the club.”

He says the loss of the building is one thing, but other things are hard to put a price on, like the trophies.

“It was a tired building, but all the memorabilia in there is irreplaceable.”

Donald Tony was a former junior Warrior, and says it’s sad to see.

“Marist was always the family rugby league club. To see all the history and memorabilia lost is heartbreaking.”

Nearby club, the Richmond Rovers, posted on social media.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to our Marist Saints Rugby League family and friends. No words can comprehend what you will all be feeling right now, please know your family here at Richmond are only a phone call away!

“You will rise from this and we will be by your side to navigate through it all.”