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​A group of students taking part in the recent Climate Action Week. Photo/ Supplied

​A group of students taking part in the recent Climate Action Week. Photo/ Supplied

Photo/ Supplied


Climate strikers call on politicians to prioritise environment

A week of youth-led climate action has been all about getting politicians and voters to take the risks of global warming more seriously

By Sia Talafou

Saturday will be the finale of what's been a successful Climate Action Week, which has seen young people across New Zealand raise awareness about the need for urgency on climate change.

School Strike 4 Climate NZ and Fridays for Future have been heading the initiative, which has had a focus on bringing together communities and businesses to make a change as well as pressuring political candidates to take an impactful stance on these issues.

Representing the Aotearoa Climate Strikes Coalition, Nate Wilbourne states: “This election can be a turning point for our planet … to ensure every candidate and voter recognises the climate crisis as the paramount issue we face.”

Event coordinators are encouraging both businesses and individuals to participate any way they can, from organising a climate action event within their workplace to sharing a photo on social media.

Wilbourne says Pacific involvement in the action week has been particularly valued.


“Getting our Pacific whānau involved in Climate Strikes in Aotearoa is super important, as their whānau across the Pacific Islands are incredibly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

“Allowing them to have a voice, especially here in Aotearoa, means that we can unite together as tangata moana alongside all the other people who whakapapa elsewhere, that makes up this country, to have our voice heard in unity.”

To learn more about how you can participate in Climate Action Week visit https://aotearoaclimatestr.wixsite.com/climate-action-week.

*Sia Talafou ​is working for PMN as part of an AUT journalism internship.