Winston Peters and Shane Jones (backdrop).
Photo/RNZ/Angus Dreaver
Winston Peters and Shane Jones' remarks on Ricardo Menéndez March raise questions about their stance on migrants, but are we missing the bigger picture?
Genuine question: when are comments considered racist or xenophobic?
I ask that because of what happened in the house yesterday between Winston Peters, Shane Jones and Ricardo Menéndez in March.
The repeated attacks on the Green MP by the New Zealand First MPs raise serious questions about the underlying motivations and whether their actions can be classified as racist or xenophobic.
For a bit more context, Menéndez March is from Mexico and faced harsh criticism for referring to New Zealand as “Aotearoa”.
This most recent incident, coupled with earlier derogatory comments made by Jones - “send the Mexicans home” - and Peters' insinuation that Menéndez March should “show some gratitude”, shows perhaps their disturbing attitude towards migrants and their place in New Zealand.
Or does it? On one hand, the comments are hurtful and frankly rude, but on the other, they are classic Winston and Shane.
That doesn't mean I accept their views or that we should tolerate it, but the New Zealand First MPs, I'd argue, are just playing to their voter base.
Naturally, the incident made headlines yesterday and has caused quite a stir online. Personally, I think it's all a great fuss over nothing.
I'm talking about Ricardo calling New Zealand “Aotearoa”. If he wants to call it Aotearoa, he should be allowed to.
Listen to Will's Word on Facebook.
Just like sometimes I, William, like to be referred to as “Will”. I'm not precious about it, for it's merely just a name.
So all the more power to Ricardo Menéndez March for calling New Zealand “Aotearoa”, because if he deems it appropriate to call it that, so be it.
Just as I'm sure Winston likes to refer to New Zealand as “New Zealand”.
We can all be together. We can all share different views.
There are bigger fish to fry, and side performances like this in the House are frankly distracting our politicians from the real issues.
That's Will's Word.