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National's Christopher Luxon.

National's Christopher Luxon.

Photo/ RNZ / Nick Monro


'He's back': Ex-National MP says Peters will advocate for Pacific communities in new govt

With the final election results announced, it's clear the National Party will need NZ First to form a coalition government.

Justin Latif
Justin Latif
03 November 2023, 4:06pm
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The final election results have been released and show that National and ACT will need the support of New Zealand First to form a government.

National lost two seats compared to election night and now sits on 48 seats. One of those losing out is Cook Islander Angee Nicholas in Te Atatū. Labour stays on 34 seats.

But Te Pāti Māori recorded its best-ever result, taking another two Maori electorate seats, meaning they've won six seats. The Greens too are celebrating, with 15 seats.

Watch the full interview with former National Party MP Anae Arthur Anae:

The result means NZ First's Winston Peters is almost certainly going to be back in government as National will need three seats from NZ First to secure a 62 seat majority.

Speaking on 531pi's Pacific Days to Ma'a Brian Sagala, former National Party MP Anae Arthur Anae's light-hearted reaction was: "His royal highness is back."

"I think you'll find that Winston is looking at the total picture of how can he work together."

And Anae says Pacific interests will have a strong advocate with Peters in Cabinet.

"Winston has a very strong affiliation with the Pacific - so I'm really pleased we have another voice for us with Winston being there.

"And I believe this time Winston has in his mind what he wants delivered and some of those things are very similiar to what National wants."

Following the announcement of the official results, National Party leader Christopher Luxon says "conversations" have already been underway between ACT and NZ First and he believes he can form a stable coalition agreement in good time.

"We will now crack on with the clarity that we have ... as quickly as we possibly can."

While Luxon has ruled out attending the Pacific Islands Forum next week, he would like to APEC in San Francisco next week, but his primary responsibility now was forming a government.

"I've only got one job at the moment, and that is to build a strong and stable government."

Luxon added that his party will consider requesting a recount in Mt Albert and Nelson where they have lost those seats by slender margins of 20 and 27 respectively.

Labour leader Chris Hipkins also addressed media, congratulating the MPs who have picked up a seat on the final results.

"The final result now being out does mean that Christopher Luxon can get on with the task of forming his new government. It's clear that a National/ACT/New Zealand First is required to get a majority in the new government."

Hipkins also said that he intends to stay as leader for now and that rebuilding the party's support in Auckland will be a focus going forward.

"I've still got a bit of fight in me. ... I'm still absolutely committed to the Labour Party."

Hipkins says Labour will also consider a recount in the seat of Tamaki Makaurau where Peeni Henare lost by 4 votes to Te Pāti Māori candidate Takutai Tarsh Kemp.