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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

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Will's Word: Netanyahu's actions must be condemned

Pacific Mornings host William Terite says an urgent ceasefire is needed in the war between Israel and Hamas to avoid further loss of life

William Terite
William Terite
29 May 2024, 9:02am
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This is a transcript from Will’s Word on Wednesday, 29th of May.

In the recent attack on Rafah, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu downplayed the devastation, calling it a "tragic mishap."

But let's call it what it is: a massacre of innocent civilians. Over 45 people lost their lives, and hundreds more were left with severe injuries.

Netanyahu's attempt to brush off this atrocity is not only insensitive but also shows a blatant disregard for human life.

It's time to stop the excuses and condemn Israel's actions in the strongest terms possible. The people of Gaza have suffered enough, and they deserve justice.

And yes it started with Hamas back on October 7 but this has gone on for too long.

It's not enough for Netanyahu to offer apologies; concrete actions must be taken to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

The international community must demand an immediate ceasefire and put pressure on Israel to end its aggression against the Palestinian people, including New Zealand.

The cycle of violence must be broken, and a path to peace must be pursued.

It's time for Netanyahu to step up and prioritise the well-being of all people in the region, not just his own political agenda.

In the face of such senseless violence, we cannot remain silent.

We must stand with the people caught up in this conflict on both sides, and demand justice for those who have been unjustly killed and injured.

Accountability for this atrocity is well overdue.