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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

Photo/ PMN News


Is Barbara Edmonds the answer to return Labour to govt?

Pacific Mornings' host William Terite says Labour's finance spokesperson should be considered as a leadership option.

This probably is coming out of left field – but I want to talk about the Labour Party today.

The Party has made no secret of the fact that it’s in soul searching mode at the moment, following its defeat at the last election.

And from the outset let me say that I do think Chris Hipkins is a solid leader for the Party, and equally seems like a genuinely good bloke.

But inevitably one has to ask how long Hipkins has left in the job? Does he have the gusto to slog it out and fight the next election?

He insists he does – and his caucus maintains that it remains loyal to him.

But just indulge my inner thinking here for a moment — say Hipkins were to step down — who could realistically step up to the plate?

Media always tend to suggest Wairarapa based MP Kieran McAnulty, who I’ll say also comes across as a genuinely nice bloke.

But I’m putting my money on Labour MP Barbara Edmonds – I recently watched a debate with her going head to head against Finance Minister and she held her ground and dare I say a formidable debater.

Edmonds is sharp, attentive, and also seems grounded — rare in politics.

She’s what the Labour Party needs.

That’s Will’s Word.