Photo/Connor Williams
The ‘Hologa Niue’ celebration brings together communities from 13 villages to perform at the Manukau Events Centre.
Excitement is at an all-time high for Niue communities in New Zealand as a first-ever festival brings together hundreds of Tagata Niue.
The Hologa Niue celebration kicks off on Saturday in Auckland, and Three Star Nation Strategic Director Eunique Ikiua says it’s been an emotional process.
“The beauty of what our 13 villages have accomplished has been absolutely remarkable. It’s been very emotional seeing all these villages reconnect.
“The intergenerational learning, reconnecting with families - it has been a long, tough, but beautiful journey.”
Ikiua says they don’t want to just host events for the sake of it, it is a deliberate action.
“We are actively trying to forge an immersive environment where our matuas, youth, and parents can come and connect.
“Hear our language, celebrate our songs, and learn about the nuances of our Niue culture - which are challenges we face after assimilation into New Zealand culture.”
Three Star Nations’ Matali Antonia Kulatea-Ryan says seeing family groups come together for the event is a wish that she hopes will continue.
“There’s a much bigger thing at play, going around to the different villages, seeing them mobilise - that’s the bigger win.
Band members during a Hologa practice. Photo/Connor Williams.
“Seeing four different generations here in the Avatele group, it’s just like, wow. Seeing the youth take charge and lead with the support of their matua.”
As hundreds prepare to take the stage on Saturday, Ikiua urges the community to rise to the occasion.
“As Tagata Niue, we are in the dawn of a new era. We are asking you to choose, you can choose to accept the status quo and leave things as they are, or give things like this a chance.
“Choose Niue, give it a chance, and choose to move forward - our people need it.
“You are stronger together as a village; we are stronger together as Niue.”
In addition to performances on the day, Niue-owned stallholders and food vendors will also be offered.
The organising team, made up of volunteers, hosted various events last year, including the first-ever performing arts academy.
Watch the full interview with the Three Star Nation team here.
Hologa Niue starts at 12pm at the Due Drops Events Centre in Manukau.
For more information, head to Three Star Nation