Arts • Aotearoa New Zealand • HawaiiConnecting cultures: Kulāiwi, Kaumakaiwa celebrate Pacific, Māori unity through musicThe Hawaiian musical ensemble captivates Tāmaki Makaurau audiences during their recent visit.Aui'a Vaimaila Leatinu'uMon, 24 Mar
SocietyHīkoi mō te Tiriti: A walk backwards into the futureHawaiian attorney and indigenous rights advocate, Kai Lawrence, says there are lessons to be learnt from Aotearoa's March for the Treaty.Kai LawrenceSat, 30 Nov
Entertainment • Sāmoa • Tonga • Niue‘My oldest child’: Pollywood Pasifika Film 22 highlights ‘true and honest’ workFor 22 years, the event has worked to enrich on-screen Pacific storytelling and creativity, director and founder Craig Fasi says.Atutahi Potaka-DewesTue, 12 Nov
EnvironmentDeep-sea mining could be a costly mistake - advocateHenk Rogers warns island nations against deep-sea mining, advocating for renewable energy solutions instead.'Alakihihifo VailalaWed, 23 Oct
ArtsArtist’s exploration of decolonisation through the sensesHawai'ian multi-disciplinary creator and educator Nāwāhineokalaʻi Lanzilotti is researching indigenous people’s relationship with the land, music, dance, and voice.Atutahi Potaka-DewesSat, 13 Jul
News‘You feel the bombs all the time’ Hawaiian academic Emalani Case on growing up near the largest military base in the Pacific, and New Zealand and Tonga’s participation in RIMPAC. Khalia StrongTue, 09 Jul
Pacific RegionRimpac ‘war games’ beginNew Zealand joins world's biggest military exercise in Hawai'i, but Pacific and indigenous advocacy groups demand end to operation.Khalia StrongFri, 28 Jun
Pacific RegionFestPac: Controversy takes centre stage at celebration of cultureFrom a Fijian performance criticised to stall holders faced with “heartbreaking" fees, it’s all happening at the Festival of Pacific Arts in Hawai'i.PMN NewsMon, 10 Jun
Pacific RegionCelebrating identity, land and kinshipIndigenous artists will share their rich culture and heritage at the Pasefika 2024 exhibit in Honolulu.Christine RovoiMon, 27 May
ArtsFrom American Sāmoa to Harvard: Pacific trailblazer speaks on Ivy League realityGabrielle Langkilde successfully carried through the heavy expectations of her village which proudly called her "Harvard's girl", but she says graduating wasn't as easy as it looked on the surface.Aui'a Vaimaila Leatinu'uMon, 25 Mar