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Will's Word is Pacific Mornings host William Terite's daily opinion piece on the latest news happening here and around the Pacific.

Photo/ PMN News


Will's Word: Flagging poll numbers show major parties are in a rut

Pacific Mornings' host William Terite says both Labour and National will be concerned by their falling numbers in 1News' latest poll.

The latest 1News-Verian poll results paint a lacklustre picture of our political scene at the moment. National's slight lead at 37 per cent - down 1 percentage point and Labour's 29 per cent - down 1 show that both parties are stuck in a rut rather than making significant strides.

Labour is especially struggling, and in dire need of a refresh. Both Christopher Luxon and Chris Hipkins saw a drop in their preferred prime minister ratings, indicating that voters aren’t excited about either option. Luxon’s 25 per cent and Hipkins’s 15 per cent aren’t inspiring numbers.

Worryingly, 40 per cent of people think the country is worse off since the last election, while another 26 per cent see no change. This dissatisfaction isn’t reflected in the poll numbers, suggesting many voters feel stuck between two uninspiring choices.

Minor parties like the Greens and ACT have gained a bit, but these changes are so small they barely matter. The 9 per cent of undecided voters highlights that many people are still looking for a better option, and neither major party is offering one right now.

While National might have a slight edge, the poll results are underwhelming.

They show that both National and Labour need to do much more to excite voters and prove they can lead the country forward.