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Stats NZ Chief Executive urging for more involvement from Pacific community

Photo/Khalia Strong


Pacific community feedback sought ahead of 2028 census revamp

Stats NZ is urging Pacific communities to provide feedback in census consulations, open until mid-June.

Alakihihifo Vailala
Alakihihifo Vailala
09 May 2024, 5:34pm
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Stats NZ is asking for feedback from Pacific communities on what the next census could look like.

Mark Sowden, government statistician and Stats NZ chief executive, says they want to enable organisations within the Pacific community to conduct their own data analysis and collection.

“We’re right at the start of a really exciting revolution in that space.”

To deliver the census from 2028 onwards, Stats NZ will use data already collected by other government agencies, along with the survey information.

The 2023 census is due to be released at the end of this month.

Sowden says it’s an opportunity to provide better data more efficiently, without having to burden people for asking for information they've already given.


“It is a way of managing the increasing costs. I’m not going to say it’s going to be less costs but it’s certainly a way of managing the increasing costs.”

Despite the promising new model, there have been privacy concerns raised over using data from other government agencies. Sowden reassures the public that legislation in place will protect people’s privacy.

“Firstly, all of their data is anonymised so we don’t know your names, and our legislation prohibits us from sharing data back out.

"It enables us to share data, to receive data in from other government agencies but it doesn’t allow us to share back out.

“It’s collected for data and statistical purposes, not any other purpose. It would never be used for enforcement or anything like that.”

Sowden admits Stats NZ’s inability to connect with the Pacific community and sees the consultation process as an opportunity to improve the partnership.

“Please be involved in it. Please have a look at it. If you feel like making a submission, by all means do because actually that’s how the voice and concerns of the Pacific community get taken into account.

“This is by feeding these into the consultation process and then we bring that back into the consultation process.

“We bring that back into government where they make decisions on the broad model which will involve doing some things differently and working more in partnership with the communities.”

Census consultation forms have been translated into seven Pacific languages, submissions can be made via the Stats NZ website or by phoning 0508 525 525.

Submissions close at 5pm, 18 June, 2024.

Watch the full interview with Stats NZ CE Mark Snowden on Pacific Mornings: